- Almost entirely random comments on whatever it is I am reading at the moment -
Saturday, September 7, 2013
Kim Stanley Robinson Interviewed by Adam Ford
As the regular visitors of this site have probably noticed I've been a fan of Robinson's work ever since picking up Blue Mars in the late 1990s. I have reviewed twelve of his novels for the blog so far. There have been a number of interviews floating around the internet to coincide with the release of his latest novel Shaman. I've unfortunately been unable to obtain an advance copy but it is on its way here now and I expect to read it later this month. This morning I took the time to watch an interview with Robinson conducted by Adam Ford over at h+. It is not about his new book especially but touches upon numerous topics that show up in Robinson's writing, in effect discussing his entire oeuvre. The whole thing lasts some 45 minutes and it is well worth watching to. I've embedded the first of five parts. You can find the rest here.
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