
About Me
About this Blog
Submission Guidelines

About Me
Let me first properly introduce myself, my name isn't Val, it's Rob Weber. I'm a thirty something guy, currently living Heerlen, the Netherlands. Since sometime in 2005 I've been writing down my thoughts on whatever I happen to be reading at the moment. Most of the early... notes, they're not worthy of the name review really, are over on my Livejournal. Over the course of the next two years they got more and more elaborate until I decided they might actually be some use to other people and offered my services as a review to the site fantasybookspot.com. This site later morphed into bookspotcentral and finally BSCreview. In total I wrote over a hundred reviews for them before stating my own book blog Random Comments.

I must admit I st... er.. borrowed the name. I'm not all that creative and the names I could come up with were already claimed on blogger. Random Comments is the name of a notorious thread on a Wheel of Time community TarValon.net, where I used to hang out. It is also the origin of the my nickname Val.

About this Blog
What can you expect on this blog? Mostly reviews. I have neither the contacts nor the desire to dig up news or write up lists of the hottest new releases. There are blogs out there who are much better at that stuff than I could ever be. What you'll find here is mostly reviews. I aim to review everything I read, which at the moment is mostly science fiction, fantasy and the occasional historical novel. I won't rule out the possibility of titles in other genres or even *gasp* mainstream novels appearing on this blog. Although I read mostly English books at the moment I do keep an eye out for genre fiction originally written in Dutch. Once in a while, one of those titles may appear on Random Comments as well.

Most of the reviews currently (as of late October 2010) on the blog are books I bought myself. So far, I have received one review copy specifically for review on this blog. Since books cost money and my fortune is rather limited, I will not try to keep up with the new releases. I will review the occasional new title but a lot of older material will appear on this blog as well. I am a reader who will dig into the backlist of an author if I like his or her work so some authors will probably receive more than their share of attention.

Submission Guidelines
For personal reasons I have decided to stop accepting review copies for a while. I hope to be able to reverse this towards the end of 2012.